FaQs. General Information

Eu dictumst cum at sed euismod condimentum?

Justo est cum sit fames ac convallis est non leo rhoncus feugiat scelerisque tempus nec sapien vestibulum dis parturient felis a taciti.

Odio molestie hac eros consectetur scelerisque?

Eu tincidunt magnis erat malesuada vulputate parturient nisl a nisl in a facilisis porttitor ullamcorper nec a a lectus eget non leo ad ad parturient pretium magna.A ligula dis vestibulum dapibus.

Vestibulum ullamcorper auctor ornare iaculis?

Facilisi malesuada in penatibus a torquent at a parturient suspendisse suspendisse per a augue fames commodo ullamcorper duis.

Elit id blandit bibendum velit non vulputate?

Parturient lectus malesuada condimentum suspendisse urna a dis convallis adipiscing vestibulum elit amet porta quis parturient a id facilisis arcu eleifend.A purus nulla suspendisse ullamcorper orci fames.

What do you mean by FUSION Jam?

FUSION Jams are fruit/fruits mixed with an exotic ingredient

What are DIA Jams?

DIA Jams are diabetic-friendly jams made of diabetic-friendly fruits and sugar that has a low GI (Diabliss)

Why do I find a change in the colour of the jam from flavour to flavour or next purchase?

In our jams, we use actual fruit/fruit pulp. The colour of the pulp varies depending on the fruit type, soil, texture, and so on. We also don’t use any artificial flavours or colours. As a result, it may differ from batch to batch.

Why does Consistency change between flavours and batches?

We fill the bottle with jam that is spreadable. Because it is fully natural and has a larger amount of fruit, it occasionally reacts to changing weather conditions.

What are chia jams?

Chia is high in omega-3 fatty acids and has various health advantages. We have blended it in our delicious jams to promote wellness at the breakfast table.

Why fusion jams?

This is a twist to the regular mixed fruit (sweet) jam. These are Indianized jams with a spicy touch that go well with Chapati, Dosa, Roti, Pancakes, and other foods that may be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Do I have to add salt/spices//vegetable/etc, to Quinoa RTC?

Quinoa RTC is a whole meal replacement. Just add water (curd in the case of idli) to the quinoa mix, and cook according to the package directions. Voila! You now have a fantastic nutritious dinner that is ready to eat.

What is JAM Slice?

They are a one-of-a-kind, very convenient, and delicious way to eat a jam sandwich in a jiffy. These are jams cut into slices. Just remove it from its pouch, peel it, and place it on bread/phulka.

Pro tip: Toast the jam slice on the tava with butter for a deliciously gooey experience!

Can the JAM/JAM Slice be kept outside in room temperature

We recommend that the bottle/pack be refrigerated once opened, especially chia jams. The slice must be refrigerated after being transferred to an airtight container. Use a dry spoon at all times.